
Happy National Sisters Day!
Anyone growing up with a sister knows – it’s complicated. Today, if I said to my sister “I need someone to . . .” she’d already be ringing my doorbell. Our teen years? Between the fighting and hair pulling and the rest of the family sick of our drama — not so much.
But we all know that sisters aren’t just biological. That friend you’ve had since grammar school. (We’re ignoring junior high.) Your high school besties. Your college sisters, sorority or otherwise. The women you’ve worked with. The women you’ve volunteered with. The women who’ve married into your family. The women you’ve admired. The women who’ve paved the way. We all have sisters in one way or another.

As Annie Lennox told us, “sisters are doing it for themselves.” So today we celebrate all sisterhood – the famous, the infamous, and the everyday women who inspire us by doing the good work in their corner of the world to make things better, brighter and more just.