It’s a new year, and we have a brand-new issue!
SECRET, the new issue of mutterhood magazine, explores what lies in the shadows, between the lines, and maybe even behind the scenes of what we consider real.
This new issue features a profile of cozy mystery writer Denise Swanson, whose dozens of books offer mystery, humor and sense of justice to her tens of thousands of loyal readers. Other highlights include a photo essay about secret places; stories of the hidden women of Chicago’s historic Graceland Cemetery; a look at some famous female secret-keepers; and personal essays that explore both the mystery of a family recipe and the mystical world of divining the future.
To read SECRET for free, just click on the image above. (Here’s a quick primer to help you decide which version of the magazine works best for you.)
We’ll continue to explore SECRET here in the coming weeks, so be sure to check back in with us. And for even more exclusive content and to receive notifications for all things mutterhood sign up for our newsletter at the top of this page.
We hope you enjoy SECRET!