Holiday-ish: Day 6

From our newsletter:

It’s no secret that we love craft projects at mutterhood. And if there’s ever a time for crafting, it’s the holidays.
This felt stocking is a kindergarten creation, the first Christmas craft I can remember that didn’t involve coloring. Our after-school great-aunt/minder thought a craft was the perfect diversion for four young kids. While our interest in the project was short my attachment to the outcome is long. Even in its stained and shabby condition I still place it prominently on my tree and think about her and that afternoon we spent together.
I remember her encouraging us to use our imaginations as we selected the shiny sequins, tiny beads and bits of felt and ribbon. Her never ending patience as we crowded around her sewing machine, watching as she carefully stitched each one. I learned to love crafting that day. And I really loved telling her precisely where to sew the embellishments. The bossy was strong even at that tender age.
Last year for the countdown Ellen and I joined a workshop at the Chicago Botanic Garden and made our own Christmas trees out of willow branches. For a refresher on why we aren’t currently professional willow branch artists, you can find those stories here: Part 1   –  Part 2   –  Part 3
This year we intended to join the workshop where participants make reindeers out of logs, but, you know, 2020. Still, we’ll be solo crafting. After all, ’tis the season.